Correspondence Group Established at IMO HTW 6 on IMLA’s Proposal

The HTW committee agreed to establish a correspondence group, regarding an IMLA’s proposal (HTW 6/8) on drafting action verb taxonomy for teaching syllabus applicable to IMO Model Courses for further development and revision, at its 6th Session held on April 28 to May 4th 2019 at IMO Headquarters.

Following consideration of document MSC 100/17/4, proposed jointly by IMLA and China to develop an action verb taxonomy for the detailed teaching syllabus applicable to IMO model courses for inclusion in the Revised Guidelines for the Development, Review and Validation of Model Courses (MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.15/Rev.1), the proposal was included in the 2018-2019 biennial agenda of the MSC 100 and the agenda for HTW 6, with a target completion year of 2020.

The action verb taxonomy will address the inconsistency among the developers, trainers and the trainees in Maritime Education and Training (MET). IMLA assumes that a uniform action verb taxonomy that both the developers and the trainers can reference to is one of the factors that impairs the effective implementation of Model Courses. At the plenary meeting of HTW 6, after the proposal was introduced by China delegation, 13 countries including the United States, South Korea, Norway and other countries, explicitly expressed their thanks and support to IMLA on this proposal.

 ‘This is monstrous job’ , HTW 6 Chair eulogized and warned. As the co-sponsor of the document HTW 6/8, IMLA will continue to deepen research relating to the action verb taxonomy, and invite its members, experts and interested parties to together work out the framework of the taxonomy.

The new Taxonomy should be able to further meet the standards acceptable to IMO regulations and resolutions relating to the Revised guidelines for the development, review and validation of model courses (MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.15) :

.1 harmonize the understanding of course developers/revisers and the course users and reduce the possibility of confusion and misunderstanding;

.2 assist the course developers/revisers with the use of a taxonomy that matches their specific teaching needs and help them to deliver a course that can better meet the needs of Maritime Education and Training (MET);

.3 build up an action verb taxonomy for a better understanding of KUPs.

picture1 IMLA representatives at HTW6

picture 2 HTW6


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